As an early childhood educator, it is important to recognize and incorporate the interests of your preschool-aged students into the curriculum. By doing so, you can promote their engagement, motivation and ultimately, build a love for learning. Designing an individualized and diverse learning experience that fosters creativity can be a challenging feat. However, by carefully observing their preferences and introducing hands-on exploration in the classroom, you can create an environment that not only encourages but also satisfies their curiosity. In this post, I will provide you with tips on how to incorporate your preschool children’s interests into the preschool curriculum for better learning outcomes.

We will explore the benefits of engaging students in learning experiences that reflect their interests and passions, including increased motivation, deeper understanding, and greater retention of information. It also addresses the challenges that can arise when attempting to incorporate student interests into the curriculum and provides strategies for overcoming these obstacles.
The guide then offers practical tips for identifying and leveraging student interests, from observing and listening to students to utilizing technology and community resources. It also provides guidance on how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners, including those with special needs or diverse backgrounds.
In addition, the guide includes numerous examples of how to incorporate student interests into a variety of subject areas, such as science, math, literacy, and social studies. These examples include hands-on activities and collaboration with peers, all designed to spark curiosity and build critical thinking skills.

Finally, the guide offers guidance on how to involve families in the learning process, including tips for hosting family nights and incorporating family traditions and cultures into the curriculum.
The importance of following children’s interests
Maria Montessori believed that following a child’s interests was key to helping them learn and develop to their fullest potential. She believed that children have an innate desire to learn and explore and that by following their natural curiosity, they can be guided toward activities and experiences that will help them learn and grow.
Montessori believed that by following a child’s interests, educators could create a more meaningful and engaging learning experience. She believed that children who are interested in what they are learning are more likely to be focused, motivated, and creative in their exploration and discovery.
Montessori also believed that following a child’s interests could help them develop a love of learning that would last throughout their lives. She saw the role of educators as facilitators of learning, helping to guide children towards activities and experiences that would help them achieve their goals and fulfill their potential.
Maria Montessori emphasized the importance of following a child’s interests as a fundamental part of creating a rich, stimulating, and rewarding learning environment.
practical tips for identifying and leveraging student interests
Observe and listen: Pay attention to the topics and activities that students are drawn to and show enthusiasm for. Take note of their interests and use them to guide lesson planning.
The first step in incorporating children’s interests into the Montessori curriculum is to start by observing them and taking note of what they find fascinating. You can do this by watching their play, noting their questions, and observing their interactions with their peers and the environment around them. This information will give you an idea of what topics they find most interesting.
You can do this by simply observing them during their free play time or having them do a self-report where they draw or write about what they like. Once you have analyzed their interests, you can start planning your curriculum around those areas.
It is important to actively listen to what the children are saying and engage in conversation with them. This will not only provide insight into their interests but also help to build rapport and create a more comfortable and inclusive classroom environment. It may also be helpful to observe non-verbal cues, such as body language, in order to better understand the students’ emotions and reactions to different activities. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask the children questions and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas with the class. This will not only help you to understand their interests better but also promote critical thinking and communication skills.
Start by observing children at work, note the type of activities they engage in, their preferred materials and how they interact with other children. Write down any noticeable interests or preferences.
Engage in conversation with the children, ask open-ended questions and listen carefully to their responses. You can also ask probing questions to help them elaborate on their interests and activities they are engaged.
Observe their work with Montessori materials and take note of their level of engagement and mastery of the material. This can help you assess their interests and learning styles.
Review notes from earlier observations and conversations and look for patterns or recurring themes. Use this information to develop lesson plans that align with their interests.
Incorporate their interests into the classroom by allowing them to explore related materials, books, or activities. For example, a child interested in insects might enjoy exploring a butterfly life cycle material, reading books about different types of insects, or creating artwork featuring their favorite bugs.
Continuously observe and listen to the children throughout the year so that you can adjust lesson plans based on their changing interests and needs.
It’s important to prioritize observing and listening to the children in the early childhood classroom, as it can provide valuable insights and guidance for creating a meaningful and engaging educational experience.

Ask questions: Encourage students to share their interests and hobbies with you. Ask questions about their favorite things and incorporate their answers into your lessons.
- Start with a warm-up question: Start the conversation by asking a question that is easy to answer, such as “What did you do over the weekend?” This will help to ease the children into the conversation and make them feel more comfortable sharing their interests and hobbies.
- Listen actively: As the children begin to share their interests and hobbies, listen attentively and ask follow-up questions. This will show them that you are interested in what they have to say, and encourage them to continue sharing.
- Incorporate their interests into your lessons: Once you have a good understanding of their interests, try to incorporate them into your lessons. For example, if a child loves dinosaurs, you could plan a lesson on prehistoric animals or do a dinosaur-themed craft.
- Use open-ended questions: Rather than asking yes or no questions, use open-ended questions that encourage the children to share more about their interests and hobbies. For example, instead of asking “Do you like art?” you could ask “What kind of art do you like to do?”
- Be respectful and non-judgmental: Remember that every child is unique, and their interests may not be the same as yours. Be respectful of their choices and avoid making any judgments or negative comments.
Once you have gathered information about the children’s interests, you can start identifying themes that are commonly shared among them. Themes could be anything from animals and nature to airplanes and chocolate. Use these themes to plan activities and lessons that incorporate their interests.
Offer choice: When planning activities, provide multiple options that align with different student interests. For example, if you are teaching about animals, provide options for students to learn about their favorite animals.
Here are some ways to offer choice in the Montessori classroom when planning hands-on activities:
- Offer a variety of activities: Provide a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles and interests. For example, offer activities that involve different senses such as tactile, visual, and auditory activities.
- Let children choose: Allow children to choose which activity they would like to work on. You can create a chart or board with pictures or labels of different activities and let them choose which one they prefer to work on.
- Use open-ended activities: Provide open-ended activities that allow children to use their creativity and imagination. For example, provide materials like blocks or art supplies and let children create something on their own.
- Provide challenge levels: Offer different levels of difficulty for the same activity so that children can choose the level that suits them. For example, offer puzzles with different levels of difficulty.
- Allow individual work: Provide materials for individual work like puzzles, counting beads, button sorting etc. Some students may prefer to work alone while others may prefer more social interaction – providing both options will cater to everyone’s needs.
By offering choice, children will feel empowered and more motivated to learn and explore in their own unique way.
Make connections: Connect students’ interests to academic content by creating projects and activities that integrate their interests.
- Use children’s interests to create project-based activities – Projects are an excellent way to engage preschoolers’ interests, and to integrate academic content. For example, if you notice that your students are fascinated with animals, you could create a unit on animal habitats.
- Make it hands-on – Preschoolers learn best through hands-on activities. When designing your lessons, keep in mind that they need to manipulate objects, conduct experiments, and be physically involved in the learning process.
- Work in groups – Preschoolers also benefit from working collaboratively in a group. Group work allows them to develop social skills and learn from their peers.
- Keep it simple – Remember that preschoolers have short attention spans. Keep activities simple, focused, and manageable for their developmental level.
- Encourage creativity – Allow preschoolers to be creative in their projects and activities. Encourage them to think outside the box and come up with their own ideas and solutions.
Involve families: Ask families to share their child’s interests and perspectives. Families can also provide resources that support student interests.
Create a family survey: You can create a family survey wherein you can ask parents to share information about their child’s interests and preferences. You can also ask parents to suggest hands on activities that their children have enjoyed. The survey can be distributed to parents electronically or can be mailed to them.
Organize family events: Organize events where families can come together to do Montessori activities. When families participate in activities together, they can observe their children’s interests, and they can share their experiences with other parents.
Create a family-based Montessori resource center: Create a section in the classroom where parents can contribute resources that support their child’s interests, such as books, toys, and other materials.
Share weekly updates: Share weekly updates with families, including images of their child in the Montessori classroom, activities they participate in, and learning milestones achieved. This can keep families connected with their child’s educational journey and foster a sense of community.
Make learning fun: Students are more engaged in learning when they enjoy what they are doing. Incorporate fun and playful activities that align with student interests, this will increase their motivation and engagement in learning.
Here are some fun ways to explore children’s interests in the early childhood classroom:
Show and Tell: Encourage children to bring an item from home that is important to them and allow them to share with the class why it is important to them.
Arts and Crafts: Incorporate children’s interests in your arts and crafts activities. For example, if a child loves dinosaurs, provide materials to make a dinosaur skeleton.
Science experiments: Conduct science experiments that align with children’s interests. For example, if a child loves the ocean, conduct an experiment on how saltwater and freshwater differ.
Set up a learning area that aligns with children’s interests. For example, if a child loves cooking, set up a kitchen area where they can learn to cook and serve food.
Field trips: Take children on field trips that align with their interests. For example, if a child loves animals, take them to a local zoo or animal sanctuary.
Games: Play games that align with children’s interests. For example, if a child loves sports, play games that involve sports for outdoor play.
Book reading: Read books that align with children’s interests and encourage children to discuss and share their thoughts about the book.
After identifying children’s interests, you can design your curriculum accordingly. As an early childhood teacher, it is essential to be adaptable and flexible in your approach to teaching. Incorporating children’s interests into the curriculum should not be a difficulty. Instead, it should be a natural process that flows with the child’s learning needs. By taking note of children’s interests, you can make classroom activities and materials that are interesting and engaging to them.
Printables to help you with planning
To help create a seamless workflow in the classroom, I designed a preschool activity planner. It is a tool created to help educators and parents plan and organize activities for their preschoolers. With this planner, parents and educators can access a variety of age-appropriate activities and games to keep their children engaged and learning. The planner includes a wide range of activities that cover essential skills such as literacy, numeracy, social and emotional development, and cognitive development. It is designed to be flexible and can be customized to meet the needs and interests of individual children. With the membership preschool activity planner, educators and parents will have access to a wealth of resources that will help their child thrive in the early years. Learn more
challenges that arise when incorporating student interests into the curriculum and strategies for overcoming these obstacles
When attempting to incorporate student interests into the curriculum, several challenges may arise. Some of these challenges and strategies for overcoming them include:
The first challenge that may arise is ensuring that student interests are accurately identified. Teachers may assume that they know what students are interested in, but sometimes this may not be accurate. To overcome this challenge, teachers can engage in observation, surveys, and interviews to identify students’ interests.
Another challenge is finding a balance between incorporating student interests and still covering required content and meeting learning outcomes. One way to overcome this challenge is to align learning outcomes with student interests or use student interests to teach required content.
Teachers may also face challenges due to limited time and resources to create activities or units that incorporate students’ interests. Effective use of technology, collaboration with colleagues, or seeking support from parents, community organizations, and local businesses can help overcome this challenge.
Educators may also struggle with incorporating different interests among students. One way to overcome this challenge is to incorporate student interests in a variety of activities, allowing for diverse learning experiences for all students. Educators can also group students based on their interests and customize activities accordingly.
Educators may face resistance from colleagues or administrators who may not see the relevance of incorporating student interests into the curriculum. To overcome this challenge, teachers can use research and data to support the case for incorporating student interests or collaborating with colleagues.
Finally, it is important to note that it is essential to support students’ interests in real-world subjects in the Montessori early childhood classroom because it can help them develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
Montessori education is based on the idea that children learn best through hands-on experience and exploration. By focusing on real-world subjects, children are able to engage with the world in a meaningful way and develop skills and knowledge that they can apply to their daily lives.
Fantasy worlds, while still enjoyable for young children, do not provide the same learning opportunities as real-world subjects. While children can still learn language and social skills through imaginative play, they may miss out on important developmental experiences that come from exploring and interacting with the real world.
Fantasy is not encouraged in primary Montessori classrooms because Maria Montessori believed in providing children with real experiences and materials that are grounded in reality. She felt that children needed to build a solid foundation in reality before being introduced to more abstract concepts.
Additionally, children in the primary age range are still developing their sense of reality and may have difficulty distinguishing between fantasy and reality. Therefore, it is important for educators to focus on supporting children’s fascinations with real-world experiences that can directly impact the child’s learning and development.
Montessori education also emphasizes the need for concentration and focus, which can be disrupted by fantastical distractions. By focusing on interests that are based on real-life experiences, children are better able to concentrate on meaningful activities and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
That being said, imaginative play and storytelling can still have a place in the early childhood curriculum as long as it is done in moderation and does not take away from the focus on reality-based learning experiences.
how to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners, including those with special needs or diverse backgrounds
Differentiating instruction is a crucial step in ensuring that all early childhood learners receive the education they need to succeed. Here are some ways to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all early childhood learners, including those with special needs or diverse backgrounds:
Get to know your learners- Knowing your students’ strengths, weaknesses, and learning style is the first step toward differentiating instruction.
Use a variety of teaching methods – Different learners respond better to different teaching methods, including visual aids, hands-on activities, discussions, and more.
Offer choices – Allowing students to choose their activities can be an effective way to differentiate instruction.
Provide additional support – Students with special needs often require additional support, such as extra time to complete their work or visual aids to assist with comprehension.
Adjust the pace of instruction – Some children may need more or less time to process information than their peers. Adjusting the pace of instruction accordingly can help those students better understand the subject.
Use technology – Educational technology can be an effective way to meet the diverse needs of early childhood learners. For example, audio recordings, videos, and interactive multimedia can help reinforce concepts and support learners with special needs.
Partner with families – Parents and caregivers can provide valuable insights into their child’s interests, abilities, and learning needs. Partnering with families can help educators better differentiate instruction.
Educational Materials For Children With Vision Impairment
examples of how to incorporate preschool student interests into a variety of subject areas
Science: If a group of preschool students are interested in insects, the teacher can engage them with various activities such as:
- Building a bug hotel where children can collect sticks, leaves, and grass to create a habitat for bugs.
- Going on a scavenger hunt in the school garden or surrounding area to search for different bugs and learn their names.
- Observing the lifecycle of a butterfly by raising caterpillars in a netted enclosure.

Math: Preschoolers love playing with blocks, counting, and sorting. Teachers can incorporate their interest into various math activities, such as:
- Counting and sorting different colored blocks or objects.
- Using blocks to learn fractions, addition, and subtraction.
- Building a tower with blocks and measuring its height and comparing it with other towers built by classmates.

Literacy: Children at this age love books, stories, and songs. Teachers can foster their love for literacy by:
- Asking children to bring their favorite books or sharing stories from different cultures.
- Encouraging children to write down their thoughts and ideas in a journal or create their own stories.
- Reading stories and encouraging children to act out their favorite parts of the story.

Cultural Area: Preschoolers are curious about their surroundings, so teachers can incorporate their interest into various cultural studies activities such as:
- Talking about different cultures and encouraging students to learn different phrases or words from other languages.
- Learning about different holidays and traditions from around the world.
- Discussing different careers and inviting parents to come and talk about their jobs.
Arts and crafts: Engaging students in hands-on crafts and art activities, such as paper mache, painting, and sculpting with clay objects that align with their interests, can help them develop fine motor skills while expressing their creativity.

Sensorial: Students can sort colored objects such as beads, buttons, or pom-poms into color categories by placing them into trays labeled with the corresponding color. This activity satisfies a primary student’s interest in colors while also building their visual discrimination skills.
Sensory Nature Walks: Students can go on nature walks and collect different items such as rocks, pinecones, leaves, and sticks. They can use their senses to observe and describe each item. This activity capitalizes on a primary student’s curiosity about the natural world and helps them build their sensory observation skills.
Scented Materials: Students can be introduced to different fragrances such as lavender, vanilla, or peppermint. Students can explore and categorize the scents using sniffing bottles. This activity satisfies a primary student’s interest in smell while also building their sensory recognition skills.
Texture Boards: Teachers can create tactile boards that allow students to explore different textures such as rough, smooth, bumpy, or soft. The materials can include fabrics, sandpaper, or natural materials such as bark or rocks. This activity satisfies a primary student’s interest in touch while also building their tactile recognition skills.
Sound Boxes: Students can explore different kinds of sounds such as rattles, shakers, and musical instruments such as hand bells, ukulele, drum, recorder or tongue drum. They can identify and match sounds using sound boxes. This activity satisfies a primary student’s interest in music while building their auditory recognition skills.
Practical life. Cooking and baking: Incorporating food preparation activities, such as making simple seasonal or traditional snacks or desserts, can help young students develop practical life skills while appealing to their interest in cooking and baking.
Gardening and nature: Planting and caring for native plants in spring, exploring various plant parts and their functions, and making a compost bin can be used to explore children’s interest in the natural world and the importance of caring for the environment.
Animal care: Learning about pet care of animals children have at home, such as feeding and grooming, can encourage children to develop a sense of responsibility and compassion for animals.
Community and social activities: Hosting community or problem-solving activities can introduce children to team-building and communication skills while encouraging them to work together to solve real-life problems.
Incorporating young students’ interests into their learning can help to spark curiosity, promote critical thinking, and create a love of learning that can last a lifetime. By engaging children with hands-on activities, project-based learning, and collaboration with peers, teachers can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters curiosity and wonder.
Printables that help children express their interests, likes and dislikes
Feelings and Emotions: 30 Card Sorting Activity and My Book of Feelings
My Place in the World Flip Book and Cards
Visual Storytelling Prompts with Nature โ Drawing, Creative Writing
guidance on how to involve families in the early childhood learning process
Get to know your families: Before inviting families to participate in the early childhood learning process, itโs important to get to know them. Take time to talk to parents about their childโs interests, learning style, culture and family traditions. This information will help you to determine the best ways to involve families in the learning process.
Host Family Nights: Organize regular family nights to give families an opportunity to visit the classroom, meet other families and participate in different activities. These events can include activities such as arts and crafts, games, storytelling, and cultural festivals. Also, provide parents with information on how they can support Montessori education at home.
Incorporate family traditions and cultures: Incorporate family traditions and cultures into the Montessori curriculum by encouraging families to share their cultures in the classroom. You can invite parents to come in and share their traditional foods, music, clothes, and other cultural artifacts. This will help children broaden their understanding of different cultures and appreciate diversity. The goal is to explore children’s interests and enhance their understanding of different cultures and beliefs.
Encourage parent volunteering: Encourage parents to volunteer in the classroom occasionally to see first-hand how their child is learning and helping out with classroom tasks such as setting up activities or preparing materials. This will give parents an opportunity to understand the Montessori curriculum more fully and share their knowledge about their child’s interests.
Use technology to keep parents informed: With the use of technology, you can keep parents informed about their childโs progress. You can use digital tools such as photos to share classroom activities, project ideas, and ongoing progress reports with families.
Provide resources for parents: Make informational resources available that parents can use at home to reinforce what their child is learning in the classroom. You can provide guidance on things like how to create a Montessori-inspired environment at home, how to teach practical life skills, and how to encourage independence in children.
Involving families in the early childhood learning process is essential to help children build a strong foundation of learning and development. By working together, parents and teachers can support children in achieving success and becoming lifelong learners.
Incorporating preschool children’s interests into the Montessori curriculum is a crucial aspect of effective teaching. By observing the children’s behavior and preferences, Montessori educators can identify their interests and design educational activities tailored to those interests. For instance, if a child loves animals, the curriculum can include animal-themed activities such as learning about animal habitats or animal anatomy. This approach not only fosters the child’s learning but also motivates them to engage in the learning process. It is essential to note that giving children the space and freedom to explore their interests leads to a sense of ownership of their learning journey, resulting in a more meaningful and enjoyable learning experience.
Online homeschool curriculum – Self-paced Homeschooling for Every Grade provides a highly interactive and engaging curriculum that covers a variety of subjects, from math and science to language arts and history. With over 400 courses available, there is something for every student’s unique learning style and interests. You can access the curriculum at any time, from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing you to tailor your child’s education to fit your family’s schedule and needs. Additionally, the platform offers resources for parents, including lesson plans, teacher guides, and grading tools, making it easy for you to stay organized and track your child’s progress.
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