
Australia Oceania Continent Bundle

Original price was: $66.80.Current price is: $25.00.

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This unit study of Australia Oceania contains hands-on resources to teach students about unique aspects of the continent while developing their concentration, logical thinking, comprehension skills, reading and so much more.

All resources are designed to adapt to each individual student and fit your classroom needs. Students will learn about different cultural, geographical aspects of the continent, and the diversity of wildlife.

This list of resources is a great addition to your continent boxes and art/cultural display area. Preschool Australia Oceania – themed activities are designed to develop fine motor and other important skills of young learners.

Here is what’s included:

Map of Oceania for coloring
Animals of Australia pin poking and tracing exercise (15 animals)
Animals of Australia coloring and tracing exercise (15 animals)
Animals of Australia cutting strips (one page)
3 Groups of Mammals – monotremes, marsupials, and placentals poster, 3 x label cards, 13 x Australian animal cards
Color matching clip cards with flags of the Oceania countries (16 cards)
Matching clip cards with traditional outfits of Oceania (16 labeled cards)
Matching quantity to numerals clip cards with native plants of Oceania themed clipart (8 labeled cards)
Shape matching clip cards with landmarks of Oceania (8 labeled cards)
Lacing cards Australia themed clipart images (4 cards)
Introduction to Australia (4 picture posters and label cards featuring photographs)
45 Animals of Australia and Oceania โ€“ 3 Part Montessori Nomenclature Cards and Information Cards – Common mammals, birds and arthropods found across Australia and Oceania โ€“ 3 Part Montessori Nomenclature
20 + Australia/Oceania Introduction Cards
4 Maps of Australia with states territories and their flags
Land and Water Forms of Australia/Oceania Sorting Activity:
island/lake, cape/bay, peninsula/gulf, strait/isthmus, a system of lakes/archipelago.
20 Animals of Australia / Oceania Nomenclature Cards.
20 Fact Cards – Animals of Australia / Oceania (dingo, echidna, red kangaroo, crocodile, rainbow lorikeet, frilled neck lizard, cassowary, koala, kiwi, eastern brown snake, possum, bluebottle jellyfish, fairy penguin, Tasmanian devil, kookaburra, wombat, tasselled wobbegong, platypus, blue tongue lizard)
Parts of a Koala Nomenclature Cards with definitions and “My Parts of a Koala” Book Printable
Life Cycle of a Koala
Animals of the Great Barrier Reef for matching with labels
Australian Children’s Rhymes Book with 7 classic Australian Children’s Rhymes
Safari Toob Cards
Indigenous Australia Matching Colouring Tracing
Insects of Australia 3 Part Cards
Sea Turtle life Cycle and Parts of a Sea Turtle
Platypus life Cycle and Parts of a Platpus
Australia Preschool Country Pack
This Australia Country Pack provides an engaging and hands-on learning experience for preschool and primary students. This educational tool helps children learn about geography by exploring Australia, its culture, people, animals, landmarks, and flag. It improves their geographical knowledge, cognitive skills, fine motor skills, and mastering of some early mathematic concepts and encourages curiosity.
Oceania Maps Blackline Masters Pin Flags
This resource contains colored and blackline maps of Oceania / Australia with and without labels. It can be used with various age groups and in many different contexts โ€“ for coloring, labeling, pinning flags, marking locations, etc. Small strip cards with 21 flags and labels plus capital cities are also included.

Flags of Oceania Countries 3 Part Cards Blackline Masters
Christmas in Australia 3 part cards

315+ pages
This pack is suitable for K – Grade 1 students



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