Australia and Oceania Activities Land Water Forms Great Barrier Reef Koala Animals


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This Australia and Oceania unit study is a resource pack designed to engage students in hands-on learning about the unique aspects of the continent. With 20+ introduction cards, maps, sorting activities, animal nomenclature cards, fact cards, and more, this pack covers cultural, geographical, and wildlife diversity of Australia/Oceania.
Each resource is adaptable to individual student needs and classroom requirements, making it a valuable addition to continent boxes and art/cultural display areas. With engaging activities like sorting land and water forms, exploring the life cycle of a Koala, and learning about animals of the Great Barrier Reef, students will develop concentration, logical thinking, comprehension skills, reading, and more.
Bring the beauty and wonder of Australia/Oceania into your classroom with this amazing resource pack. Perfect for educators looking to enhance their geography and cultural studies curriculum.

Australia/ Oceania resource pack contains

20 + Australia/Oceania Introduction Cards
4 Maps of Australia with states, territories and their flags
Land and Water Forms of Australia/Oceania Sorting Activity:
island/lake, cape/bay, peninsula/gulf, strait/isthmus, a system of lakes/archipelago.
20 Animals of Australia / Oceania Nomenclature Cards.
20 Fact Cards – Animals of Australia / Oceania (dingo, echidna, red kangaroo, crocodile, rainbow lorikeet, frilled neck lizard, cassowary, koala, kiwi, eastern brown snake, possum, bluebottle jellyfish, fairy penguin, Tasmanian devil, kookaburra, wombat, tasselled wobbegong, platypus, blue tongue lizard)
Parts of a Koala Nomenclature Cards with definitions and “My Parts of a Koala” Book Printable
Life Cycle of a Koala
Animals of the Great Barrier Reef for matching with labels
Australian Children’s Rhymes Book with 7 classic Australian Children’s Rhymes

Engages students with hands-on resources and activities.
Helps students develop concentration, logical thinking, comprehension skills, and reading skills.
Teaches students about the unique aspects of Australia/Oceania, including culture, geography, and wildlife.
Encourages creativity and critical thinking through activities like sorting, matching, and creating books.
Provides a comprehensive resource pack that can be easily adapted to fit individual student needs.

Ideas for Classroom Use:
Use the introduction cards to spark discussions about Australia/Oceania and introduce students to key facts and information.
Have students work in pairs or small groups to complete the land and water forms sorting activity, promoting teamwork and cooperation.
Use the animal nomenclature cards to teach students about the diverse wildlife of Australia/Oceania, and have them research and present on a specific animal to the class.
Incorporate the fact cards into a daily trivia activity or quiz game to reinforce learning and retention.
Encourage students to create their own rhymes inspired by Australian culture, and share them with the class for a fun and creative literacy activity.
Create a display area in the classroom dedicated to Australia/Oceania, featuring student artwork, maps, and information cards from the resource pack.
Allow students to choose an activity from the resource pack to work on independently or in small groups, promoting autonomy and self-directed learning.


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