These cards feature:
* 45 Control Cards with animal names
* 45 Picture Cards with beautiful photographs of each animal
* 45 Label Cards
* 45 Information Cards with:
+ Common name
+ Photograph of the animal
+ Habitat information
+ Diet details
+ Interesting fact
This set covers a diverse range of common mammals, birds, and arthropods found across North America, including:
Arthropods: velvet ant, Anna’s eighty-eight butterfly, tiger swallowtail caterpillar, bold jumping spider, roseate skimmer, cecropia moth, golden tortoise beetle, rainbow scarab beetle, convergent ladybug, walking stick, Fernald’s cuckoo bumblebee, tiger centipede, giant hairy scorpion, horse lubber grasshopper, robber fly
Birds: bald eagle, mourning dove, black-capped chickadee, northern cardinal, peregrine falcon, belted kingfisher, broad-billed hummingbird, blue jay, trumpeter swan, blue-winged warbler, pileated woodpecker, Atlantic puffin, snowy owl, Cuban trogon, blue-footed booby
Mammals: moose, striped skunk, bison, raccoon, grizzly bear, Arctic wolf, elk, common opossum, American badger, Alaskan hare, North American beaver, black squirrel, mountain goat, bearded seal, bighorn sheep
Perfect for Montessori students aged 3-8 years old (Preschool, Kindergarten, Lower Elementary), these cards encourage hands-on learning and vocabulary development. They are also suitable for homeschoolers and educators seeking to enhance their environmental and science curricula.
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