Children will learn the stages of the Seahorse life cycle, parts of a Seahorse, practice sequencing skills and work to improve their concentration and fine motor skills.
This resource contains a seahorse life cycle diagram, types of seahorses information cards, worksheet, 3-part cards, parts of a seahorse printable, adjective printables, information poster, My Book of Seahorse student booklet and seahorse predators vs food sorting cards.
Seahorse life cycle diagram
Seahorse life cycle 3 part cards
Seahorse life cycle coloring, cutting, and pasting worksheet (color and blackline)
Seahorse life cycle tracing strips
Seahorse life cycle information cards
Parts of a Seahorse diagram
Parts of a Seahorse diagram minus labels
Parts of a Seahorse labels
Parts of a Seahorse information cards
Parts of a Seahorse tracing & independent writing worksheet
Parts of a Seahorse student booklet (independent writing)
Species of Seahorses 3 part cards
Species of Seahorses information cards
Seahorse characteristics color poster
Seahorse characteristics black line poster
Seahorse characteristics mat
Seahorse characteristics color cards
Seahorse characteristics tracing & coloring student booklet
Seahorse characteristics student booklet
Seahorse information poster
My Book of Seahorses
Seahorse Food vs Predators sorting cards
Seahorse anatomy diagram adjective activity
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