One of our favorite things to do is to collect rocks wherever we go. Each and every one of them is so unique and brings a little thrill into our lives, therefore I must say our collection keeps on growing. Not only do we collect them, but we have been trying to document how the rocks have been used in the past. We’ve made fires with them, built dens, and even tried to write and draw with them. Of course, it was only natural for the children to want to know more, so after gathering a lot of rocks, we started studying them, along with minerals.
An amazing help was printable from Montessori Nature, Minerals and Rocks. Each printable brought valuable information and made our lessons such a pleasure. The Minerals printable contains 3 working mats with 5 examples of minerals for each ( which were perfect for matching with our minerals collection), matching pictures and label cards, 15 pairs of minerals and their use ( which was absolutely amazing and really enriched our knowledge), and an information booklet which talks about the main characteristics of minerals.
The Rocks printable on the other hand has a wonderful classification poster, as well as matching pictures, label cards, and information cards for 3 groups of rocks ( Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic).
I can’t believe how easy homeschooling became with these printables, and how much the children enjoy it.
As for you, I have one piece of advice. Cherish your children’s curiosity and don’t let their questions go unanswered. Wonder together, learn together and discover the world through their eyes.
About the Author:
As a child, I loved the trips I used to take with my father on the mountains, exploring the woods and fall in love with the natural world.
As an adult, I continued the journey, which took me halfway across the world, survived a plane crash and learned how to meditate in a Buddhist temple.
But in my journey, I have found myself, and the true essence of life.
As a mother, I wanted to share the love for nature with my children, and teach them values. Raise them to be good people, good friends, good neighbors, but most importantly, good husbands and fathers. To be free, and happy.
Our everyday life is a wonderful adventure, with good and bad, but we learn to embrace it all and learn from it. We read, we laugh, we create and explore without limits.
This is how “Our world of wonder” page began, from the desire of sharing our homeschool journey, hoping that our lessons and materials will inspire others as well. To promote the love for nature, and to share our desire of protecting it.
And to create a community where people can share kindness and support. A community where we share ideas and the love for art, music, and raising our children in a gentle way.
Follow Cornelia:
Facebook: Our world of wonder
Instagram: Our world of wonder
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