Spider LIfe Cycle Parts of a Spider Activities

Spiders are fascinating creatures that are often misunderstood and feared. With over 45,000 species worldwide, these arachnids come in different shapes and sizes, each with unique characteristics and behaviors. Understanding their life cycle, anatomy, and behavior can help people appreciate their role in the ecosystem and reduce unfounded fears. Moreover, there are fun and educational activities that parents and teachers can do with children to discover the amazing world of spiders. This post will cover the basics of spider biology, showcase interesting species, and provide engaging spider-themed activities for kids.

About spiders

Spiders are incredible creatures with eight legs and they are often found crawling on walls or in webs. Some can even change their colors like a chameleon. Spiders are excellent hunters and eat insects like mosquitoes and flies. Most spiders are not harmful to humans but a few species like the black widow and the brown recluse can bite and cause serious health problems. Despite their creepy appearance, spiders play an important role in controlling the insect population and are a vital part of our ecosystems.

Spiders have two main body parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The cephalothorax contains the spider’s eyes, mouth, and legs. Most spiders have eight legs, but some have six or even fewer. Spiders also have fangs which they use to inject venom into their prey. The abdomen is where the spider’s vital organs are located, such as their heart, lungs, and digestive system. Some spiders have the ability to produce silk, which they use to build webs for catching prey or to create shelter.

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One of the most fascinating parts of a spider’s life is its life cycle.

Egg: The first stage of a spider’s life is the egg. A female spider will lay hundreds of eggs into a sac. The eggs are very small and can be difficult to see. It takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch.

Spiderling: When spiderlings hatch from their eggs, they look like tiny versions of adult spiders. They have eight legs and are usually very small. Spiderlings have to learn how to hunt and protect themselves.

Juvenile spider: After a few moltings, the spiderling grows into a juvenile spider. Juvenile spiders look like mini-adults but still have some growing to do. They continue to molt as they grow.

Adult spider: Once a spider reaches adulthood, it stops molting. Adult male spiders go on the hunt for mates, while females start laying their own egg sacs.

Here are some common types of spiders you can find:

Jumping Spiders: Jumping spiders are small and can leap up to 50 times their own body length. They have eight eyes that give them a 360-degree view.

Tarantula Spiders: Tarantula spiders are large and hairy. They are often kept as pets but are venomous.

Orb Weaving Spiders: Orb weaving spiders are known for their beautiful and intricate webs. They sit in the middle of the web and wait for their prey to get caught.

Wolf Spiders: Wolf spiders are big and furry and are known for their hunting abilities. They do not spin webs but instead hunt their prey on the ground.

Fishing Spiders: Fishing spiders are also known as dock spiders. They live near water and are excellent swimmers. They can even dive underwater to catch their prey.

Black Widow Spiders: Black widow spiders have a distinctive red hourglass-shaped mark on their body. They are known for their venomous bite, which can be deadly.

Spider themed hands-on Montessori activities for children

Hands-on spider-themed activities for children can include creating spider webs using yarn or string, painting spider rocks, making spider finger puppets, building spider habitats using cardboard boxes and other materials, and doing spider scavenger hunts. Children can also learn about spider anatomy and behavior by examining spider specimens, watching informative videos, and reading books about spiders. These activities not only provide entertainment for children but also enhance their knowledge and understanding of nature and science. Here are some examples.

Spider Web Weaving – Create a spider web using a large embroidery hoop and some yarn or string. Then, let children weave smaller threads through the web to create their own intricate patterns.


  • Large embroidery hoop
  • Yarn or string in various colors
  • Scissors


  1. Begin by stretching the yarn or string across the hoop. Tie one end of the yarn to the hoop, and wrap it around the hoop until you reach the point where you started. Tie the other end of the yarn to the hoop, so that it forms a basic โ€œXโ€ shape.
  2. Next, tie the yarn or string to the center of the โ€œXโ€. This will be the starting point for weaving the web.
  3. Take the yarn or string and weave it over and under the stretched yarn, working your way around the hoop. Each time you reach the center of the web, wrap the string over the center yarn to move to the next section.
  4. Keep weaving the yarn or string around the web until you have created a spider web pattern. Once you are finished, tie off the yarn at the edge of the hoop and cut off any excess.
  5. Now make a bunch of smaller threads from yarn or string in different colors. Let children weave them in and out of the spider web to create their own patterns.
  6. Children can also add a small plastic or plushie spider to complete the spider web. They can also decorate the edges of the embroidery hoop with silk flowers or other decorations to make it look more realistic.

Spider Counting Game – Use plastic spiders (or cut out spider shapes) and a counting tray to encourage children to count and sort the spiders by number.

Spider Anatomy – Introduce children to basic spider anatomy by using a model or diagram to identify the parts of a spider (such as legs, fangs, and abdomen).

Parts of spider life cycle types characteristics montessori nature printable (1)

Spider Art – Set out different materials like pipe cleaners, paper, paints, and markers so children can create their own spider-themed art pieces.

Spider Web Sensory Bin – Fill a bin with waterbeads, fake spider webs, and small plastic spiders for a sensory activity that will engage children’s tactile senses.

Spider Habitat Exploration – Go on a nature walk and look for spider habitats. Observe different types of spiders, and their webs, and learn about their habits and environments.

Spider Life Cycle – Teach children about the different stages of a spider’s life cycle, from egg to adult using pictures or manipulatives.

Spider Snack – Make a healthy spider snack using crackers, cream cheese, olives, and pretzels to create a spider shape.

Spider Science Experiment – Make a spider web by melting marshmallows and forming them into a web on wax paper. Then, have children experiment with different materials (like feathers or popsicle sticks) to see which ones can “stick” to the web like prey would.

Spider exploration: Give children small magnifying glasses and have them search for spiders in outdoor or indoor settings. Encourage them to watch the spider’s movement and observe how they spin webs.

Spider pack

Spiders are fascinating creatures that play an important role in our ecosystem. Through understanding their life cycle and anatomy, we can appreciate the unique characteristics and behaviors of each species. Teaching kids about spiders through fun activities can help them overcome any fears and develop a sense of respect and appreciation for these arachnids. With continued exploration and curiosity, we can deepen our understanding of these amazing creatures and the world they inhabit.

Parts of spider life cycle types characteristics montessori nature printable (1)

The Montessori spider themed pack is a comprehensive learning tool for children to learn about spiders. The pack contains 3 part cards, information cards, and student booklets to help children understand the different aspects of spiders, including their anatomy, habitat, diet, and behavior.

The 3 part cards consist of a picture of a spider, the name of the spider, and a description of the spider. The children can match the picture with the name and description, helping them to learn the vocabulary associated with spiders.

The information cards provide detailed information about different aspects of spider behavior. The topics covered in the information cards include the different types of spiders, their spider webs, and their hunting practices. The information cards are perfect for children who want to learn more about spiders without being overwhelmed by too much information.

Begin by introducing the spider theme to the children. You can use books, pictures, or videos to introduce different spider species, their features, and habitats.

After the introduction, you can start using the Montessori spider-themed pack. You can use the 3-part cards to teach the children the names of different spider parts, such as the abdomen, cephalothorax, and spinnerets, among others.

Use the information cards to teach the children spider facts, such as their feeding habits, lifespan, and unique features.

Encourage children to use the student booklets to record their learning and observations. They can write down spider facts they have learned, draw pictures of different spider species, and answer questions related to the topic.

Integrate the spider theme with other activities, such as creating spider webs or spider crafts, to make learning more hands-on and engaging.

As you progress, introduce more complex concepts and use the Montessori spider-themed pack to support children’s learning. For instance, you can use the cards to discuss the different species and their diverse behaviors, such as web-building and prey-catching techniques.

The Montessori spider-themed pack is an excellent resource for parents and teachers who want to teach children about spiders in a fun and engaging way. With its 3 part cards, information cards, and student booklets, it provides a comprehensive learning experience that is perfect for children of 3-9 years of age.

Parts of spider life cycle types characteristics montessori nature printable (1)

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About Anastasia - Anastasia is an early childhood teacher and the founder of Montessori Nature - a blog about Montessori living and learning and nature-based explorations. With many years of experience working in a Montessori environment and homeschooling her children, she directed her passion for all things Montessori and nature into creating educational resources. You can learn more here and browse her printables on Teachers Pay Teachers.