Montessori First Great Lesson: History of the Universe Activities, Resources and Free Printables

The Montessori First Great Lesson is a dynamic and engaging way to introduce young learners to the history of the universe. This foundational lesson sparks curiosity and sets the stage for further exploration and understanding of various scientific concepts. In this post, we will delve into the Montessori First Great Lesson, hands-on activities to bring the lesson to life, recommended resources for further learning, and free printable resources to enhance the learning experience for children.

About the five Great Lessons

Each academic year in a Montessori elementary classroom often begins with a series of the Five Great Lessons. These lessons are designed to introduce students to key concepts across various subject areas, sparking their curiosity and setting the stage for deeper exploration throughout the rest of the year. Here are a few reasons why the Great Lessons are an essential part of the Montessori curriculum:

  • Inspiring a sense of wonder: The Five Great Lessons are often presented in a storytelling format, weaving together different disciplines and connecting them with real-world phenomena. By presenting these lessons in a dramatic and engaging manner, teachers can captivate students’ imaginations and ignite a sense of wonder about the world around them.
  • Encouraging interdisciplinary thinking: The Five Great Lessons cover a wide range of topics, from the formation of the universe to the history of language. By exploring these interconnected themes, students are encouraged to think across disciplines and make connections between different subjects. This promotes a holistic approach to learning, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all knowledge.
  • Providing a framework for further exploration: The Five Great Lessons serve as a foundation for future learning, laying the groundwork for deeper exploration in subjects such as science, history, geography, and language. By introducing students to key concepts early on, teachers can guide their curiosity and encourage them to delve deeper into topics that interest them.
  • Fostering a sense of collective identity: The Five Great Lessons often emphasize the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of humanity’s role in shaping the world. By exploring these themes together as a class, students can develop a sense of collective identity and shared responsibility for the world around them. This fosters a sense of community and collaboration within the classroom.

The Five Great Lessons provide a powerful introduction to key concepts in the Montessori Cosmic elementary curriculum, setting the stage for a year of exploration, discovery, and growth. By starting each year with these foundational lessons, teachers can inspire students to think critically, explore deeply, and engage with the world around them in meaningful ways.

parts of a plant sorting activity printable

About the first Great Lesson

The First Great Lesson โ€œComing of the Universe and the Earthโ€ in Montessori Cosmic education is aimed at capturing the imagination of young learners and inspiring a sense of wonder and awe about the universe. In a nutshell, the First Great Lesson tells the story of the coming of the universe, from the coming together of atoms and molecules to the formation of galaxies, stars, planets, and Earth.

The First Great Lesson is typically presented to children in the elementary Montessori classroom, which is made up of students aged 6 to 12 years old. This lesson is designed to spark the child’s imagination and curiosity about the origins of the universe and their place in it. By presenting this lesson in a dramatic and engaging way, Montessori teachers aim to ignite a lifelong love of learning in their students.

In a Montessori primary classroom, children are exposed to a wide range of hands-on materials and experiences that are crucial for students as they progress into the elementary years and are introduced to the Five Great Lessons. These skills are essential for students as they explore the interconnectedness of the universe. The primary Montessori curriculum lays the foundation for the Great Lessons in the following ways:

Practical Life: In the primary years, children engage in activities that focus on developing their concentration, fine and gross motor skills, and independence. These skills are essential for the Great Lessons, as students need to be able to focus for extended periods of time and work independently on complex tasks.

Sensorial: The sensorial materials in a Montessori classroom help children develop their senses and heighten their perception of the world around them. These skills are essential for the Great Lessons, as students need to be able to observe, analyze, and compare the elements of the universe.

Language: The language materials in a Montessori classroom help children develop strong reading, writing, and communication skills. These skills are crucial for the Great Lessons, as students need to be able to read and comprehend complex texts, write creatively, and articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively.

Math: The math materials in a Montessori classroom help children develop a strong foundation in mathematics, including arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. These skills are important for the Great Lessons, as students need to be able to understand and apply mathematical concepts in various areas of the curriculum.

The First Great Lesson typically begins with a simple and engaging demonstration, such as the scattering of rice grains on a dark cloth to represent the vastness of space. The teacher then guides the students through the progression of the universe’s creation, highlighting key milestones such as the the birth of stars, and leading to the Second Great Lesson that explores the evolution of life on Earth.

Through this lesson, children are encouraged to see themselves as part of a larger cosmic story, connected to all living things and the very fabric of the universe. They are invited to ask questions and make connections.

The First Great Lesson serves as a powerful introduction to the wonders of the universe and the interconnectedness of all living things, laying the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. It embodies the Montessori philosophy of education as a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and respect for the child’s innate curiosity and potential.

First Great lesson : Our Homeschool Experience

When I first introduced the Montessori Great Lessons in my classroom, I found that the โ€œComing of the Universe and the Earthโ€ lesson was quite extensive and complex for young students to grasp in its entirety. I realized that breaking it down into two separate parts โ€“ the Coming of the Universe and the Coming of the Earth โ€“ would allow for a more focused and meaningful exploration of each concept.

By dividing the lessons into two main chunks, I was able to provide my homeschool students with a more manageable amount of information to digest and engage with.

I also want to start off by saying that I do not have prior experience working in a Montessori elementary classroom. However, in my quest to provide engaging and educational content for my homeschooled children, I decided to delve into the topic of the Great Lessons. Through thorough research and exploration of various resources, I have created printables and activities that I believe will be beneficial in presenting this complex topic to elementary-aged children. I have carefully curated and adapted the materials to make them accessible and engaging for young learners.
I will also be citing the sources that I found knowledgeable and helpful in my research process. It is important to me to give credit where credit is due and to acknowledge the expertise of others who have contributed to my understanding of this topic.

I want to share with you my personal notes and student research booklets that I have designed to enhance the Montessori Great Lessons flow in our classroom. These resources have been created with the intention of making the learning experience more engaging and comprehensive for my children.

I hope they prove to be valuable tools in your classroom, helping to inspire a love of learning and a sense of wonder in your students. Feel free to download and utilize these materials as you see fit, and please reach out with any feedback or suggestions for improvement.

Throughout the first term, we delved into topics such as the cosmic expansion theory, the formation of stars, galaxies, and our Solar System. We used hands-on materials and experiments to help deepen our understanding of these complex scientific concepts.

As we move into the second term, we will be shifting our focus to the โ€œComing of the Earthโ€ as the next part of the First Great Lesson. This will involve exploring the formation of the Earth, the development of the continents and oceans.

“Coming of the Universe” Hands on Activities and printables

At the beginning of each daily work cycle throughout our term, we covered one topic in-depth. Each lesson had a rough structure I will share below, including an introduction to the topic, a discussion or interactive activity, and a closing reflection. After each lesson, I provided a follow-up activity based on the developmental level of each child. For younger children, this could be a simple art project or hands-on activity, while for older children, it could be a research booklet to fill in. Every couple of weeks, I had children present their overall understanding of the storyline in a form of presentation.

Resourcefulness is a key skill that we aim to cultivate in our homeschool process. By demonstrating each topic of the Great Lesson with the resources we have at hand, such as books, art supplies, and scientific instruments, we show our children that they can achieve their goals with what they already have.

In addition to physical resources, we also utilize online digital resources such as printables and podcasts to enhance our homeschool curriculum. By encouraging our children to think creatively and use the resources available to them, I believe we are empowering them to become lifelong learners who are capable of tackling challenges and solving problems in innovative ways.

Here’s one way to present the First Great Lesson to elementary students:

  1. Set the Stage: Begin by gathering the children in a designated area of the classroom and creating a sense of anticipation. You can dim the lights or use a special rug or mat to signal that something important is about to be shared. I used a tongue drum which was quite effective.
  2. Introduce the Story: Begin by telling your story on the topic in a captivating and engaging manner. Use simple language and vivid imagery to help students visualize the events as they unfold.
  3. Use Materials to Enhance Understanding: Consider using props or materials such as a globe, a lighted candle, and pictures or diagrams to help illustrate key concepts and make the story more tangible for students.
  4. Allow children to conduct experiments: Give clear instructions and invite the children to actively partake in all the experiments.
  5. Encourage Questions and Discussion: Throughout the presentation, encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts and ideas about the topic. This can help deepen their understanding of the lesson and foster curiosity and critical thinking.
  6. Connect to Further Learning: After sharing the topic, discuss with students how the central story connects to other areas of the curriculum, such as science, history, geography, and anthropology. This can help students see the interconnections between different subject areas and foster a holistic understanding of the universe.
  7. Follow-Up Activities: Provide students with opportunities to explore and investigate further on their own through shelf work with hands-on activities, experiments, and research projects related to the creation of the universe. This can help students apply what they have learned and deepen their understanding of the concepts introduced in the First Great Lesson.

history of the universe Breakdown by Topics

Intro: God Who Has No Hands
Interaction of particles
Star life cycle
Three states of matter
Periodic table
Solar system
Space explorations

Intro: God Who Has No Hands

The First Great Lesson in Montessori education introduces students to the concept of God, the Creator of the Universe, who is referred to as “God Who Has No Hands” in the Montessori framework. This lesson is typically presented with a scripted story that emphasizes the idea of a divine force that has created everything in the world, from the planets and stars to plants and animals. The demonstration of this lesson is often done with the use of hands-on materials and visual aids that help students understand the concept of creation in a concrete and tactile way. I included our cute foster puppy and plants to demonstrate how everything in the universe follows the rules established from the very beginning.

puppy next to a run with plants, drum flashlight, ball and picture
puppy next to a run with plants, drum flashlight, ball and picture

Online resources that helped me prepare “God Who Has No Hands” lesson

Lesson script inspirations:

Free Download: Nature Timespiral The Evolution of Earth from the Big Bang

Books about Coming of the Universe:

Interaction of Particles

As a continuation of the “God Who Has No Hands” story, we conducted one experiment we did to demonstrate how particles interact with each other. You can do the following:

Materials needed:

  • A plastic container with a lid
  • Water
  • Oil (vegetable oil or cooking oil)
  • Food coloring
  • Small particles (such as sand, salt, pepper, or glitter)


  1. Fill the plastic container with water, leaving some space at the top.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water to make it more visible.
  3. Sprinkle a small amount of the particles (sand, salt, pepper, or glitter) on the surface of the water.
  4. Close the lid of the container tightly.
  5. Shake the container gently to observe how the particles interact with each other in the water.


  • Ask the students to observe what happens to the particles when the container is shaken. Are they moving around or staying still?
  • Discuss how the particles interact with each other in the water. Are they clumping together or spreading out?
  • Explain that in the universe, particles interact with each other through forces such as gravity, which can cause them to come together to form stars and other celestial bodies.

By conducting this experiment and discussing the results with the students, you can help them understand how particles interact with each other and how this process contributes to the formation and evolution of stars in the universe.

Assorted craft supplies on a striped textile, including a steel bowl, blue scissors, colourful beads, printed images, and a dark blue circular object with buttons.

Star life cycle,

When teaching about the star life cycle in First Great Lesson, I related stars to the creation and evolution of the universe. Start by introducing the concept of stars being born from gas and dust, and their role in forming galaxies. Use hands-on materials, discuss the stages of a star’s life cycle, and encourage questions and discussions. Give children an opportunity to explore the night sky to deepen their understanding of the interconnectedness of all things in the cosmos. We did so by visiting our local Astronomy Society public stargazing events.

Star Life Cycle Printable

properties of matter

The properties of matter – gas, liquid, and solid – can be taught in the context of the First Great Lesson. This lesson sets the stage for understanding the physical properties of matter and how they interact with each other.

One way to teach about the properties of matter in this context is to conduct a simple experiment that demonstrates the different states of matter. For example, show students a container of water, which is in its liquid state. Ask them to observe how the water flows and takes the shape of its container. Then, explain that water is a liquid because its particles are able to move freely past each other as they don’t hold very tight to each other.

Next, introduce a solid object, such as a rock. Have students feel the object and try to break it with a hammer. Explain that solids have a fixed shape because the particles are tightly packed together and cannot move freely.

Finally, in our case, I introduced a thermos with hot water and demonstrated how steam lifted up and floated away. I explained that gases have neither a fixed shape nor volume because their particles are spread out and move freely in all directions.


Start by presenting the concept of galaxies as large systems of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies that are held together by gravity. Introduce the different types of galaxies, such as spiral, elliptical, and irregular, we used this free resource and briefly discussed their unique characteristics and formations.

To further explore galaxies, you could set up a simple experiment using materials such as marbles or small balls to represent stars and small objects like pebbles or sand to represent planets. By arranging these materials in different formations, students can create their own models of galaxies and observe how the positioning of stars and planets can create different types of galaxies.

Encourage students to ask questions, make connections, and share their observations as they explore the concept of galaxies in a hands-on and interactive way.

A collection of galaxy images pinned on a board, each labeled with its respective classification, such as spiral, elliptical, barred spiral, peculiar, starburst, and irregular, accompanied by colorful pushpins scattered around.
Various items for a potential craft or science experiment on a table, including a bowl, beaker, bottle with nozzle, orange, spoon, and scattered beads.

Speed and nature of light

Teaching about light and the speed of light in the context of the Montessori First Great Lesson helps children to understand the vastness of the universe and the incredible distances between objects in space. By learning about the speed of light and how it determines how quickly we can see objects in the universe, children can begin to grasp the immense scale of the cosmos.

Furthermore, introducing children to the concept of light in terms of distance allows them to appreciate the mind-boggling numbers involved in astronomy and astrophysics. Understanding that light travels at a speed of approximately 300,000 kilometers per second and that it takes light years to travel between objects in space helps children to develop a sense of perspective and wonder about the universe.

Teaching about light and the speed of light in the context of the Montessori First Great Lesson helps children to appreciate the incredible scale and complexity of the universe, fostering a sense of curiosity and awe about the natural world.


When teaching about the Sun and its layers, it is important to present the information in a way that is engaging and hands-on for the children. Here are some ideas on how to teach about the Sun and its layers:

A book titled "our sun" by mary atkinson with an image of the sun on the cover.

Our Sun

  • Begin by presenting a brief introduction to the Sun as part of the coming story in the Montessori First Great Lesson. Talk about how the Sun is a star that provides light and heat for our planet and is essential for life on Earth.
  • Create a hands-on activity to help children understand the layers of the Sun. You can use different colored paper or fabrics to represent the different layers (such as the core, radiative zone, convective zone, and photosphere) and have the children stack them on top of each other to create a model of the Sun.
  • Use visual aids such as diagrams and videos to show the children what the layers of the Sun look like and how they work together to create the energy that sustains life on Earth.
  • Incorporate storytelling and songs into the lesson to make it more engaging and memorable for the children. You can create a story about a journey through the layers of the Sun or sing a song about the Sun and its importance to our solar system.
  • Provide opportunities for the children to explore and discover more about the Sun through hands-on experiments and observations. Set up a solar oven to demonstrate how the Sun’s heat can be used to cook food or provide materials for the children to create their own solar system models.
Educational diagram of the sun's layers with scissors and glue stick, indicating a hands-on learning activity.
A child interacts with educational materials about the parts of the sun, featuring images and descriptions on a wooden surface.

Layers of the Sun Printable

It is important to mention the size relationship between the Sun and the Earth and to make the concept tangible and visually engaging for the children. Here are some ideas on how to teach about the size relationship of the Sun and Earth using objects:

Choose two objects to represent the Sun and the Earth, such as a large beach ball for the Sun and a small marble for the Earth. Place the beach ball and the marble side by side to show the size difference between the two.

Use a scale model to demonstrate the relative sizes of the Sun and Earth. You can create a model using balloons or styrofoam balls, with the Sun being much larger in size compared to the Earth. Allow the children to hold and compare the two models to understand the scale difference.

Use visuals aids such as posters, pictures, or diagrams to show the relative sizes of the Sun and Earth. You can also use a globe and a flashlight to demonstrate how the Sun’s light reaches the Earth and compare the size of the two objects.

Incorporate hands-on activities such as creating a scale model of the Solar System with the Sun and Earth in their proportional sizes. You can also provide materials for the children to create their own models of the Sun and Earth using clay, paper mache, or other art supplies.


Teaching about constellations, can be done through a combination of storytelling, exploration, and hands-on activities.

Begin by telling the story of how the universe began, how the stars were formed, and how ancient civilizations used constellations for navigation and storytelling. Use visuals, such as books, posters, or videos, to help children visualize these concepts.

Introduce children to some common constellations, such as the Big Dipper, Orion, and Cassiopeia. Show them pictures of these constellations and explain how they were named and how they can be found in the night sky.

The Space Preschool Pack - "I am an Astronaut" featuring constellations.

Space Preschool Pack

Encourage children to create their own constellations using materials like black paper, white chalk, and glitter. Have them draw out their constellation designs and then sprinkle the glitter to represent the stars.

Take children outside on a clear night to observe the constellations in the sky. Use a star map or a stargazing app to help them identify different constellations and learn more about their history and mythology.

A set of planets and stars on a wooden table.

Constellation vs Planet Sorting Cards Free Printable

Engage children in hands-on activities, such as creating constellation cards with facts and pictures, making constellation viewers with paper towel rolls and constellations cutouts, or conducting a shadow play activity to show how constellations move across the sky.

Atom, MOLECULES, Periodic table

An organized study area with flashcards, a labeled pouch, and various learning materials spread out on a table.
A simple hand-drawn model of an atom with labeled parts and colored clay balls representing electrons on a whiteboard.
A child's hands drawing with colored pencils next to a periodic table.
A child's hands drawing a circle with crayons on a white sheet of paper.
Child studying chemistry with a textbook and taking notes, surrounded by pencils and educational materials.
A collection of educational materials, including hand-drawn element cards from the periodic table, scattered on a table.
Study materials on a desk featuring educational information about the element magnesium, with a focus on its properties, uses, and various forms, alongside colored pencils and a camera illustration.

Resources that helped me to teach lessons on atom, molecule, and periodic table

In teaching about atoms, structure, parts of an atom, and the periodic table in the context of the First Great Lesson, it is important to engage children through hands-on activities and experiments that appeal to their sense of curiosity and exploration as it can be a very chewy topic to tackle. I broke it down to three of four lessons revisiting main concepts every time. Here are some ideas for teaching these concepts in a Montessori classroom:

Begin by introducing the concept of atoms as the building blocks of all matter in the universe. Use hands-on materials such as DIY atoms models with play-doh to allow children to explore the structure of an atom and its parts (protons, neutrons, and electrons).

Show children how atoms combine to form molecules by conducting simple experiments such as mixing different elements (represented by colored balls or beads) to create new compounds. Use play-doh and wooden sticks.

Introduce the periodic table of elements as a tool for organizing and understanding the properties of different atoms. Create a large-scale periodic table display in the classroom and have children participate in activities such as sorting elements by their properties or creating simple compounds based on their positions on the table.

Conduct experiments and demonstrations to illustrate the concepts of chemical reactions and bonding. For example, have children observe and react different elements to see how they combine to form new substances.

Encourage children to ask questions, make observations, and record their findings in science journals or notebooks. Use open-ended inquiry-based activities to stimulate critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

You can download my Atom Student Booklet below.

solar system, moon and PLANETS

Educational flashcards displaying various celestial bodies such as planets and the solar system, with descriptive text below each image.
Educational cards depicting inner and outer planets laid out on a wooden surface.
A page from a science book displaying facts and illustrations about earth's moon, including its distance from earth, temperature range, and gravity comparison.
An open book displaying a page about the moon with an illustration of a wolf howling at a detailed image of the moon in a starry night sky.
Educational materials displaying the phases of the moon, including a labeled worksheet and a matching activity set for the southern hemisphere.
A child's hand arranging labeled cards next to a worksheet showing the phases of the moon for the southern hemisphere.
Open educational book illustrating the formation of earth with descriptive text and colorful diagrams of the solar system and planetary formation.
A book titled "earth clock: the history of our planet in 24 hours" by tom jackson and nic jones, featuring illustrations of dinosaurs, jellyfish, and a satellite orbiting earth.
A book titled "the ever-changing earth" by grahame baker-smith with an illustration of a child near water, with fantastical elements like floating mountains in the background.

The Ever-Changing Earthby by Grahame Baker-Smith

Child's drawing of a volcano erupting with blue clouds in the sky.
A child painting with watercolors next to a picture of the solar system.
A two-page spread of a book showing artistic illustrations of cosmic events, possibly depicting meteors or celestial bodies colliding.
Child engaging in a solar system themed educational activity.
An overhead view of a painting activity, featuring watercolors, brushes, and papers with painted planets on a wooden table.
An open textbook displaying the periodic table of elements with three round marbles placed on it and a small magnifying glass showing an enlarged print detail.
strips of paper with planets and planet facts pinned together

The Solar System Printable

Space Pack

Outer Space 3 Part Cards

Moon Phases Printable

A picture of the planets and space with a clipboard.

Outer Space Free Printable

A set of four cards with different shapes on them.

Space Themed Geoboard Task Cards Free Printable

To teach about the Solar System, Moon, and Planets, there are so many opportunities to incorporate hands-on activities and experiments that engage the children and reinforce their understanding. Here are some ideas for teaching about the Solar System and planets:

Create a Solar System model: Use materials such as Styrofoam balls, wooden dowels, paint, and string to create a scale model of the Solar System. Label each planet and discuss their characteristics, size, and distance from the Sun.

Planet sorting activity: Provide children with pictures or models of different planets and moons in the Solar System. Have them sort and categorize the celestial bodies based on their size, composition, and distance from the Sun.

Moon phases experiment: Use a flashlight and a small ball to demonstrate the different phases of the Moon. Show how the position of the Moon relative to the Earth and the Sun creates the various Moon phases.

Planetary orbit demonstration: Use a rope or string to represent the orbit of a planet around the Sun. Show how the planet moves in an elliptical path and explain how this affects its seasons and distance from the Sun.

Planet research project: Assign each child a different planet to research and present to the class. Encourage them to create a poster or model showcasing the planet’s unique features, atmosphere, and moons.

Video resources I used to teach about the Solar System, Plants and the Moon:

picture of Yurii Gagarin

Space explorations

One way to incorporate space exploration, including the first man in space, into the First Great Lesson – History of the Universe with children could be to discuss it as one of the key moments in human history that contributed to our understanding of the vastness and complexity of the universe. By highlighting the significance of this achievement in the context of the larger story of the universe, children can appreciate the role that exploration and discovery play in shaping our understanding of the world.

However, it may be more appropriate to delve deeper into the topic of technological progress in human history in a separate unit, as this theme encompasses a wide range of advancements and innovations that have propelled humanity forward technologically. So the plan is to focus more on the Space Explorations Unit further down the track.

In the meantime, we take this chance for the children to interview my parents, their grandparents, who observed this event in their lifetime. I hope that by interviewing grandparents who witnessed Yurii Gagarin’s journey to space can provide children with firsthand accounts of a monumental moment in history. It can help them gain a deeper understanding of the significance of this event and its impact on the world. By hearing personal stories and experiences from their grandparents, children can develop a personal connection to this historic moment, sparking their interest in space exploration and inspiring future generations to pursue their own dreams of discovery. Additionally, interviewing grandparents can also help children develop important research and critical thinking skills as they gather information, ask questions, and analyze the responses they receive.

The Montessori First Great Lesson provides a captivating introduction to the history of the universe, Earth, and the Solar System. By presenting the story of the universe in a narrative and hands-on manner, children are inspired to explore and understand the world around them.

Through engaging activities, experiments, and hands-on projects, children can deepen their knowledge of the Solar System, Moon, and planets within the context of the First Great Lesson. These experiences not only enhance their understanding of science concepts but also cultivate a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe.

To further support your child’s learning journey and exploration of the Universe, we are offering free downloadable printables with fun and educational activities. These resources are designed to complement the Montessori approach and provide additional opportunities for children to learn and explore.

Download the free printables today and continue the journey of discovery with your child as they delve into the wonders of the universe through the Montessori First Great Lesson.



About the Great Lessons Video by Montessorikiwi


Join Lisa from Montessorikiwi in a 20-minute video presentation where she helps you differentiate between Cosmic Education and the Great Lessons. She briefly outlines the content covered in the Great Lessons and suggests follow-up themes, topics, and materials. Furthermore, she explains how we can connect the Great Stories to global events and discusses the importance…

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About Anastasia - Anastasia is an early childhood teacher and the founder of Montessori Nature - a blog about Montessori living and learning and nature-based explorations. With many years of experience working in a Montessori environment and homeschooling her children, she directed her passion for all things Montessori and nature into creating educational resources. You can learn more here and browse her printables on Teachers Pay Teachers.