* 3-Part Cards: Includes picture cards, label cards, and information cards to help students identify and understand the Star Life Cycle process from Hydrogen to Supernova.
* Periodic Table of Chemical Elements Poster: A visual representation of the elements involved in the Star Life Cycle fusion process.
* Student Booklet: A blackline art booklet for independent writing and tracing activities, perfect for reinforcing student learning.
* Two Types of Star Life Cycle Sequence Posters: Color and black-and-white options for easy differentiation.
* Learning Mats: Includes picture cards, control cards, label cards, definition cards, and student page-sized printouts for a comprehensive learning experience.
This resource is designed to be a valuable addition to your Space Unit or First Great Lesson curriculum. It’s perfect for lower elementary students (K – Grades 1-3) who are eager to explore the wonders of the universe.
* Engages students in a hands-on and interactive learning experience
* Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills
* Reinforces scientific knowledge and understanding of the Star Life Cycle
* Encourages independence and creativity through independent writing and tracing activities
* Provides opportunities for differentiation through color and black-and-white options
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