Free Printable – Gemstones Charts and Matching Cards

Gemstones are a captivating topic for preschool students to explore. Introducing Gemstone Posters and Matching Cards as a free printable resource can engage young learners in discovering the beauty and characteristics of different gemstones. These materials offer a hands-on approach for children to develop visual discrimination skills while enhancing their knowledge of various gemstone types. By integrating these tools into the classroom, educators can foster curiosity and a love for geology among their students.

We have a fun and educational activity for you – Gemstones Posters and Matching Cards, available for free printable.

Gemstones are not only beautiful but also possess unique qualities that make them beloved by many.

Gemstones are fascinating and beautiful minerals that can be explored by Montessori preschool students.

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What Are Gemstones?
Gemstones are rocks or minerals that have been cut and polished to be used in jewelry or decorative objects. They come in various colors, shapes, and sizes, and each gemstone has unique properties.

Types of Gemstones:
There are many different types of gemstones, such as diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and amethysts. Each gemstone has its own specific name and characteristics.

Colors and Meanings:
Gemstones come in a wide range of colors, and preschoolers can learn to identify them by their distinct colors. For example, diamonds are usually colorless or transparent, rubies are deep red, emeralds are green, and sapphires can be blue, yellow, or pink. You can talk about the meanings associated with different colors, like red for energy and courage, green for growth and balance, and blue for calmness and wisdom.

Preschoolers may find it interesting to know that each month is associated with a specific gemstone called a birthstone. For example, January’s birthstone is garnet, and February’s birthstone is amethyst. They can identify their own birthstone and learn about its unique qualities.

gemstones printable

All About Gemstones 3 Part Cards Posters

Gemstones have various properties, which can be introduced to preschoolers through sensory activities. For example, you can talk about the hardness and shininess of gemstones. You can conduct simple experiments like scratching different objects with a gemstone or observing how light reflects off its surface.

Geology and Discovery:
Introduce preschoolers to the concept of geology by explaining that gemstones are found inside the Earth’s crust and need to be carefully mined. Share interesting facts about famous gemstone discoveries and locations, such as the mines in South Africa where diamonds are found.

Art and Creativity:
Encourage preschoolers to explore their creativity by creating art projects inspired by gemstones. They can draw or paint gemstones using vibrant colors or make jewelry using craft materials like beads or clay.

Remember to provide Montessori preschool students with hands-on experiences, allowing them to touch and feel different types of gemstones while closely supervised. Make sure to reinforce safety rules and emphasize that gemstones are delicate and should be handled gently.

Gemstones Hands-on activities


Provide a variety of gemstones in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Have the preschoolers sort the gemstones based on their attributes, such as color or size. This activity helps develop fine motor skills and visual discrimination.

Sensory Tray:

Fill a tray with sand and hide gemstones within it. Encourage the preschoolers to dig and search for the hidden gemstones using their hands or small scoops. This activity promotes sensory exploration and fine motor skills.


Use a tray with several holes or a piece of Styrofoam as a base. Provide gemstone beads and threads such as shoelaces or pipe cleaners. Allow preschoolers to string the gemstone beads onto the thread, creating their own necklaces or bracelets. This activity enhances hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Counting and Math:

Use gemstones as counters for counting activities. Create simple math problems or number recognition games, where preschoolers have to place a certain number of gemstones on a corresponding numeral card or match them to the correct number of objects.


Provide different colors and shapes of gemstones and encourage preschoolers to create patterns using the gemstones. Start with simple patterns like ABAB or ABCABC and gradually introduce more complex patterns. This activity supports early math skills and cognitive development.

Storytelling and Imaginative Play:

Use gemstones as props for storytelling or imaginative play. Encourage preschoolers to create stories or scenarios using the gemstones as characters or objects. This activity promotes language development, creativity, and imagination.

Remember to always provide proper supervision, especially with smaller gemstones, to ensure the safety of preschoolers.

Free Printable

This activity will allow your little ones to explore the diverse world of gemstones while improving their vocabulary, visual discrimination, and matching skills.

Gemstones poster and round cards for children to work on pairing activity. There are eleven various gemstones featured with beautiful clipart in this set.

The poster presents gemstones found in raw condition and matching cards with polished and finished stones. You will also receive a poster with sixteen different types of rocks and minerals. 

Children’s fascination with rocks, minerals, and gemstones is a great foundation to dig deeper and engage them in learning about colors, cause, and effect, layers of the earth, and talk about many different life-sustaining resources that the earth provides for us. 

To begin, download our Gemstones Posters and Matching Cards. Start the activity by introducing the concept of gemstones to your preschoolers. Discuss the various types of gemstones, including their colors, textures, and patterns. Use the posters provided to display the gemstone images, allowing your students to observe and appreciate their beauty.

Following the introduction, distribute the matching cards among your students. Guide them to match the gemstone cards with the corresponding images on the posters. Encourage them to utilize their visual discrimination skills and pay attention to the unique characteristics of each gemstone.

Print posters and matching cards on cardstock and laminate if you wish for the resource to last longer. Alternatively, slide the gemstone poster into a reusable plastic worksheet pocket.

Cut rounds.

Place the poster on a tray and round the cards in a box.

Before your presentation, I recommend having children’s books on gemstones available for the students to learn where gemstones come from.

When presenting, place the poster in front of the child and name all gemstones. Shuffle and place all round cards with polished gemstones below. Invite the child to pair rocks with the corresponding cards.

As an extension, invite the child to name all colors of the rocks and bring the matching color tablets or other similar color objects he or she can find in the environment for matching colors.

Print both posters to display or place on your nature table or nature area in the classroom. Gather a magnifying glass, and colored pencils, and make small booklets for the students to draw and label their favorite gemstones.  

Print the Rocks and Minerals poster twice. Laminate the poster and attach hooks and loops. Cut individual rocks and minerals using the second copy for the matching exercise.  

As your students match the cards with the posters, engage them in conversation. Ask questions about the gemstones, such as their colors, shapes, and any noticeable patterns. You can also further enrich the activity by discussing the origin and uses of gemstones in our everyday lives.

For a more hands-on approach, consider providing real gemstone samples or pictures of gemstone jewelry. This will allow your students to explore the textures and colors firsthand, reinforcing their understanding of gemstones.

Remember, the Montessori approach encourages independent exploration and self-paced learning. Therefore, allow your students to work individually or in small groups, providing guidance and support whenever necessary.

By the end of this activity, your Montessori preschool students will have gained a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of gemstones. Their vocabulary will be enriched, their visual discrimination skills enhanced, and their knowledge of the natural world expanded.

Don’t miss out on this exciting gemstone adventure! Download our Gemstones Posters and Matching Cards for free and let the learning and fun begin in your Montessori preschool classroom.

Age: Preschool ages 3.5 – 6 years

Subjects and uses in the classroom: Nature Table, Geology, Geography Folder, Sensorial Area, Science Centers, Earth Science. 

Gemstones matching printable

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About Anastasia - Anastasia is an early childhood teacher and the founder of Montessori Nature - a blog about Montessori living and learning and nature-based explorations. With many years of experience working in a Montessori environment and homeschooling her children, she directed her passion for all things Montessori and nature into creating educational resources. You can learn more here and browse her printables on Teachers Pay Teachers.