Free Printable – Animals and Their Homes

The Animal Kingdom is a vast and diverse community, with each species adapting to its environment in unique ways. One fascinating aspect of this kingdom is the varied types of homes that animals build for themselves. From towering termite mounds to intricate spiderwebs, the animal kingdom is full of architects with exceptional skills.

We’ve put together a matching and sorting printable that showcases different animal homes โ€“ perfect for introducing kids and adults alike to the incredible diversity of habitats in the animal kingdom.

Benefits of Montessori matching and sorting activities for kids

Promotes cognitive development: Matching and sorting activities help children develop cognitive skills like visual discrimination, classification, and logical thinking. Children learn to categorize objects based on their attributes, which helps them understand the world around them and make connections between different things.

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Enhances fine motor skills: Matching and sorting activities require kids to manipulate objects with their hands, which helps them develop fine motor skills. This is especially important for young children who are still working on hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness.

Increases focus and concentration: Matching and sorting activities require children to concentrate and pay attention to details. This helps improve their ability to focus and stay on task, which is an important skill for success in school and in life.

Builds confidence and independence: Montessori matching and sorting activities are designed to be self-directed and can be completed at the child’s pace. This allows children to take control of their learning and build confidence in their abilities. Children also learn to problem-solve and find solutions independently.

Fosters social and emotional development: Matching and sorting activities can be done individually or in small groups, which helps children develop social and emotional skills like turn-taking, sharing, and cooperating with others. These skills are important for building positive relationships with peers and adults.

Encourages creativity and imagination: Montessori matching and sorting activities can be tailored to the interests of each child, which encourages creativity and imagination. Children can use their own ideas and experiences to create new ways of sorting and grouping objects, which helps them develop their own unique perspectives and ideas.

Animals and Their Homes Matching and Sorting Free Printable

Animals are incredible creatures that come in different sizes, shapes, and habitats. Learning about them can be both educational and fun, especially for young children. One way to introduce them to animals is by showing their homes or habitats. In our Free Resource Library and the post below you can download a free matching and sorting printable that features different animals and their homes.

Here are some of the animal homes you’ll find in the printables:

Beaver Lodge โ€“ It is a home for beavers, which are large, semi-aquatic rodents found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Beavers are known for their unique ability to build dams, lodges, and canals using sticks, branches, mud, and rocks.

Beaver lodges are large mounds of sticks, mud, and grass built by a group of beavers. They can be up to 8 feet high and 30 feet wide. The main entrance to the lodge is found underwater, which protects the beavers from predators such as coyotes and wolves.

Inside the lodge, there are several chambers for sleeping, eating, and storing food. Beavers are herbivores and feed on the bark of trees, especially aspen, poplar, and willow. They store extra branches and logs in the lodge for winter when food is scarce.

Beavers are also known for their dam-building skills. They build dams across streams and rivers to create ponds and wetlands, which provide them with a safe place to live and feed. The dams also benefit other animals by providing them with a habitat.

Beavers are important for the ecosystem because they create wetlands, which are important for water filtration, flood control, and habitat for many other animals. However, beavers also sometimes cause problems for humans by flooding areas of land and damaging trees.

Ant Hill โ€“ Ants are social insects that live in large, organized colonies. Their homes can range from simple nests in the ground to elaborate underground tunnels and chambers.

Some ant species live in ant hills, which they build by digging tunnels and chambers, and by piling up soil and debris. Ant hills can be found in various places including gardens, fields, forests, and even on pavement.

Ant hills have different chambers for different purposes. The uppermost chamber is known as the entrance chamber, which is where the ants come and go from the colony. The lower chambers are used for storage, raising young, and breeding. Ants use the tunnels to move between the chambers, and also to search for food and mates.

Ant hills are very organized and efficient in their operations. Ants work together in a caste system, with different roles and responsibilities based on their age and size. The queen ant is responsible for laying eggs, while the worker ants collect food, care for the young and defend the colony.

Ant hills are very important for the ecosystem, as they help to aerate the soil and distribute nutrient-rich organic matter. They also help to control the population of other insects and decompose dead plant and animal materials. Despite their small size, ants play a big role in maintaining balance in the environment.

Sparrow Nest โ€“ Sparrows build their nests in trees or shrubs and use twigs, grass, and small pieces of debris to construct a small, cup-shaped nest.

Sparrow nests are usually placed in a protected area, like the fork of a tree branch or under the eaves of a building. They are well-camouflaged and can be difficult to spot. A female sparrow can lay up to 5 eggs in her nest, which she will incubate for about two weeks before they hatch.

Once the chicks hatch, both parents work hard to keep them fed and protected. They will bring insects, seeds, and berries to the nest, and use their wings to shield the chicks from the sun and rain.

Sparrow nests are important for the survival of this species. They provide a safe and secure place for sparrows to raise their young and can help to maintain the population. By learning about sparrow nests, children can better appreciate the role that these birds play in the environment and the importance of protecting their habitat.

Beehive โ€“ A beehive is a home for honey bees. It is a structure made of wax and wood that houses a colony of bees. The bees use the hive as a place to store honey, raise their young, and regulate the temperature within the hive.

The structure of the beehive is made up of cells that form honeycombs. Each cell is made of wax and is used by the bees to store honey or as a place to raise their young. The honeycombs are arranged vertically within the hive and can hold up to 60,000 bees.

Beehives are often kept by beekeepers who collect the honey that the bees make. This is done by removing some of the honeycombs and separating the honey from the wax.

Keeping bees in a beehive is important for the environment as the bees help to pollinate plants, which in turn helps crops to grow. Bees are responsible for pollinating one third of the food we eat.

It is important to remember that bees can be dangerous if they feel threatened, so it is essential to stay away from beehives and to always ask an adult for help if you see one.

Wolf Den โ€“ They are homes that wolves build for their families. Wolves are social animals that live in packs and typically have a den where they can rest, raise their pups, and hide from predators. Wolf dens can take many shapes, depending on the geography of the area and the availability of resources.

In general, wolf dens are constructed to provide shelter against harsh weather conditions like cold temperatures, snow, rain, and wind. They are also built to keep their young pups safe from other predators such as bears, coyotes, and eagles.

Wolf dens are usually located on hills or slopes so that they can remain dry during heavy rainfall and near water sources, such as rivers or streams. Common materials used to create wolf dens include tree roots, branches, rocks, and soil.

Wolves use their strong jaws and paws to dig into the ground and build tunnels that lead to a larger central chamber, which can be as large as a small room. This central chamber is where the female wolf gives birth to her pups and where the family rests. The entrance of the den is often hidden among tall grass or under rocks and debris.

Bat Cave – It is a natural habitat where bats live and raise their young. Bats are nocturnal animals that are known for their unique ability to navigate in the dark using echolocation. They emit a high-pitched sound that bounces off objects, allowing them to locate prey and navigate through their surroundings.

Bats are important members of the ecosystem because they play a vital role in pollination and insect control. They mostly eat insects, including mosquitoes, which can carry diseases harmful to humans.

Bat Cave animal homes are usually located in dark, damp places like caves, tunnels, and abandoned buildings. These homes provide a safe environment for bats to sleep, rest, and raise their young. Bats typically live in large groups called colonies, which can consist of hundreds or even thousands of bats.

The inside of Bat Cave animal homes is covered in guano, or bat droppings. Guano provides a natural fertilizer that is beneficial to plants. It also contains bacteria that decompose waste and help to keep the cave clean.

Bat Cave animal homes are threatened by human activities, such as deforestation, urban development, and pollution. It is important to protect these habitats and the bats that live in them. Many organizations are working to conserve bat populations and their habitats by educating the public and advocating for conservation efforts.

Dog Kennel – A dog kennel is a shelter designed for dogs to live in. It is like a home for them. The kennel is usually made of wood or metal, and it has a roof to protect the dog from the sun, rain and snow. Some kennels also have a dog house, which is a small shelter inside the kennel where the dog can go to sleep or relax.

There are different types of dog kennels. Some are designed for outdoor use, and some are suitable for indoor use. Outdoor kennels are usually larger and provide more space for the dog to move around. Indoor kennels are smaller and meant to be used in the house.

The size of the kennel depends on the size of the dog. The kennel should be big enough for the dog to stand up, lie down, and turn around comfortably. It should also have a door that the dog can easily enter and exit.

A dog kennel should be kept clean and well-maintained. It should be cleaned regularly with disinfectant to keep it free from bacteria and parasites. The bedding should be changed regularly, and fresh water should be provided at all times.

In addition to providing shelter, a dog kennel can also be used for training and behavior modification. Dogs can be taught basic commands like sit, stay, and come using the kennel as a tool. It can also help to reduce aggression and anxiety in dogs by giving them a safe and secure space to retreat to.

Chicken Coop – A chicken coop is a special type of shelter designed for chickens to live in and lay their eggs. It can be made of different materials such as wood, metal, or plastic, and can range in size depending on the number of chickens living in it.

Inside the chicken coop, there are typically roosting bars or nesting boxes where the chickens can perch or lay their eggs. There should also be plenty of space for the chickens to move around and access to food and water.

Keeping a clean and well-maintained chicken coop is important for the health and well-being of the chickens. It’s also essential to protect the chickens from predators such as raccoons, foxes, and other animals that may try to harm them.

Chickens are social animals and like to live in groups, so it’s recommended to have at least two or three chickens in a coop. They also need sunlight and fresh air, so having a coop with windows or other ventilation is important.

Spiderweb – A spiderweb is a home for spiders. Spiderwebs are made of silk, which is produced inside the spider’s body. Spiders use their silk to make different kinds of webs for different purposes, such as catching prey, protecting themselves, and laying eggs.

Spiderwebs are usually made in areas where there are lots of insects, such as plants, trees, and buildings. Spiders will build their webs in corners, crevices, and areas where they can easily catch prey.

Spiderwebs can look different depending on the species of spider. Some spiderwebs are large and complex, while others are small and simple. Some spiders even build their webs in specific shapes, such as funnel webs, orb webs, and sheet webs.

Spiders use their webs to catch insects by trapping them in the sticky silk. Once the prey is caught, the spider will inject it with venom to immobilize it before eating it.

Horse Stable – A horse stable is a shelter that is designed for horses to live in. It is an animal home where horses can eat, rest and receive care. Horse stables vary in size and design, depending on the number of horses they are built for.

The main purpose of a horse stable is to provide a comfortable and safe environment for horses to live in. It helps to protect them from bad weather, predators, and diseases. A well-maintained stable can be an ideal place for horses to stay and can improve their health and well-being.

Horse stables usually have individual stalls for each horse, which are large enough for the horse to comfortably stand up, lie down, and turn around. The stalls are usually made with wood or metal and have a door that can be closed from the outside. They also have a feeding trough and water bucket for the horse to eat and drink from.

In addition to stalls, horse stables have other areas that are important for the care and management of horses. These include a tack room for storing saddles and bridles, a feed room for storing hay and grain, and an arena for exercising and training the horses.

Horse owners and stable workers must take proper care of the horses to keep them healthy and happy. This includes providing them with fresh water and food, cleaning their stalls regularly and maintaining the entire stable clean, brushing their hair, and taking them out to exercise regularly.

These are just a few examples of the incredible diversity of animal homes you can explore with our printable. So, whether you’re a teacher looking to inspire your students or a nature enthusiast who wants to learn more about the animal kingdom, we invite you to download our free printable and discover the many unique homes of the animal kingdom!

Here is what’s included:

This printable activity is perfect for preschoolers to early elementary students. It consists of two pages with a total of ten animals and their corresponding homes.

  • 10 x labeled picture cards with animals
  • 10 x labeled picture cards with animal homes

Gather books about animal homes for children to explore.

Print on card stock and laminate for more extended use. Cut cards. Place the label cards in a row. Invite the child to sort cards into two categories and match animals and their homes.

Young children can be encouraged to match the animal (home) cards if you print them twice and draw the animal (home) they like the most using their choice of art medium.

Older children might be inspired to research and create their own book about wild types of animals and their homes in your region.

To use this printable, simply print out the two pages and cut out the animal and habitat cards. Then, ask your child to match each animal to its home. For older children, you can add a level of difficulty by having them sort the cards based on the type of home, such as land, water, or air.

There are many playful variations of sorting and matching activities. Here is an example of a memory game.


  1. Print out the Animal Home Matching Game.
  2. Cut out the animal cards and their corresponding home cards.
  3. Mix up the cards and lay them out face down.
  4. Players take turns flipping over one animal card and one home card.
  5. If the animal matches the home, they keep both cards and take another turn.
  6. If the cards don’t match, they flip them back over and it’s the next player’s turn.

Why Use This Printable

Introducing children to animals and their habitats offers many benefits. Here are some reasons why you should use this printable:

  • Develops cognitive and language skills โ€“ Sorting and matching activities help children develop their thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Promotes science and nature education โ€“ Learning about animals and their habitats promotes an understanding of science and nature.
  • Enhances fine motor skills โ€“ Cutting and placing the cards also helps to develop children’s fine motor skills.

The animals and their homes matching and sorting printable is an excellent educational tool that children will enjoy. It is easy to use, printable, and provides many benefits. By teaching children about animals and their habitats, we can help them develop a love and appreciation for nature.

Animals and their homes montessori nature sort matching free printables

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About Anastasia - Anastasia is an early childhood teacher and the founder of Montessori Nature - a blog about Montessori living and learning and nature-based explorations. With many years of experience working in a Montessori environment and homeschooling her children, she directed her passion for all things Montessori and nature into creating educational resources. You can learn more here and browse her printables on Teachers Pay Teachers.

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