Kid gifts are made with love and care, they brighten up parents’ day like nothing else. This card is a wonderful reminder of the special bond that exists between parents and children. No matter what happens in life, children will flourish with support from strong figures in their lives.

This card will definitely put a smile on mom’s, dad’s, grandpa’s, or grandma’s face. I included a couple of different versions of the card, but each carries this meaningful message – “Strong roots produce beautiful leaves”. I picked up this idea from an amazing teacher I used to work with. There are two black and white pages for a child to color in the tree using different pencils, paint, or make a craft using craft materials and decorate it according to their taste and artistic imagination, for example,
- paint with dot markers
- use round stickers
- paint using acrylic or watercolor paint applying large brush strokes
- make corks prints with paint

There is space for a child to draw their face and the faces of their favorite people. Photos can be used instead. I suggest printing cards on cardstock or laminating in the desired format – as a card or gift tag. These are perfect for St. Valentine’s Day or Grandparents’ Day celebrations.