Free Printable – ER Digraph Student Activity Page Phonics

This double letters “er” learning printable is a great resource for preschool children. Use this language student activity page to create hands-on learning-to-read activities for your students and “er phonogram activities.

Learning to read with phonics has numerous benefits, including improving fluency and comprehension. Phonics instruction teaches the relationship between letters and sounds, which allows children to decode words they have never seen before. This, in turn, improves their ability to read fluently and with accuracy. Additionally, phonics instruction helps children understand how words are formed and how they can be broken down into smaller parts, which boosts their comprehension of the material. Learning phonics also aids in spelling and writing skills as children learn to manipulate letters and sounds to create words. Ultimately, phonics instruction provides a strong foundation for lifelong reading success.

how to teach digraphs in the Montessori classroom

  1. Introduce the Concept: First, introduce the concept of digraphs to the students. Discuss what they are, how they are formed, and what sounds they make.
  2. Use Real-life Examples: Next, use real-life examples of digraphs in words and have children identify the digraphs within them.
  3. Create a Multisensory Learning Environment: Engage childrenโ€™s senses with materials such as sandpaper letters, moveable alphabets, word cards, and picture books.
  4. Play Games: Incorporate games and activities like word matching and writing words with digraphs to practice and reinforce understanding.
  5. Encourage Practice: Encourage children to practice identifying and using digraphs in conversation and writing.
  6. Provide Support and Feedback: Provide support as needed and give feedback to reinforce accomplishments.
  7. Track Progress: Track progress and adjust instruction as necessary to ensure children master the concept.
parts of a plant sorting activity printable

Overall, teaching digraphs in the Montessori classroom should be a fun and interactive experience for children, with a focus on building strong foundational literacy skills.

digraph Phonics games for preschool

  1. Phonics Tic-Tac-Toe: Create a tic-tac-toe board with different digraphs in each box. Players take turns selecting a box and saying the digraph. If they accurately identify the digraph, they get to place their symbol (X or O) in the box.
  2. Digraph Memory Game: Create matching pairs of picture cards that have the same initial digraph sound. Players take turns turning over two cards and identifying the digraph sound. If the cards match, the player keeps the pair.
  3. Digraph Hot Potato: Sit in a circle and pass a ball or toy around while saying a word that contains a specific digraph. When the teacher says โ€œstopโ€, the player holding the ball says another word and passes the ball to the next player. If a player canโ€™t think of a word with the designated digraph, they are out.
  4. Digraph Bingo: Create bingo cards with different digraphs in each square. Call out words containing a digraph and players cover the corresponding square on their card. The first player to get a full row or column calls out โ€œBingo!โ€ and wins.
  5. Digraph Charades: Write different digraph words on pieces of paper and put them in a hat. Players take turns drawing a word from the hat and acting it out without using any words. The other players must guess the word and the digraph sound in the word.

Student activity page – Er digraph

Present these materials to assist children in recognizing and using digraphs in words, including sandpaper letter activities, moveable alphabets, and word-building exercises. By learning digraphs through this method, children develop their reading and writing skills, as well as their ability to identify and articulate sounds in words.

Age: Preschool ages 2.5 โ€“ 5 years

Subjects and uses in the classroom: Phonics, Digraphs, Double Sandpaper Letters Extensions, Language Centers, Fine motor, Prereading

how to use this resource

This activity page contains many fun, quick, and engaging hands-on exercises. Children are prompted to practice letter formation, identify words that contain the digraph, color, trace, and identify the digraph. The poster also has a visual demonstration of the pronunciation. The complementary sheet also contains images and labels for additional matching work and cutting exercise strips with the digraph er“.

Print on cardstock and laminate if you wish to reuse it, or print a black and white version for each student to complete. Gather pencils, crayons, pegs or counters, scissors, play dough, or some loose parts for children to build the digraph “er.

Present the phonogram and invite the child to say the sound correctly following the prompt, trace or build the digraph, color, match the picture to the picture and the word to the word, trace it, clip pegs onto correct boxes, and practice cutting.

Er activity page digraph phonics montessori nature printable learning to read preschool

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About Anastasia - Anastasia is an early childhood teacher and the founder of Montessori Nature - a blog about Montessori living and learning and nature-based explorations. With many years of experience working in a Montessori environment and homeschooling her children, she directed her passion for all things Montessori and nature into creating educational resources. You can learn more here and browse her printables on Teachers Pay Teachers.