Key Features:
* 3-part cards and definition cards for understanding types of germs
* A children’s mini-book (12 pages) explaining the mechanisms of catching a cold or flu and what the body does to fight it
* Sorting cards for identifying what to do to stay healthy versus what not to do
* A student book for writing down daily choices to stay healthy
* Match-up cards and coloring exercise to reinforce the importance of handwashing
* Sequencing cards and student book for learning the steps of handwashing
* A handwashing poster for display in the classroom
Benefits for Students:
* Encourages students to think critically about their health and wellness
* Provides a comprehensive understanding of germs and how they spread
* Helps students develop good hygiene habits through hands-on activities and reinforcement
* Can be used in a Montessori-style classroom or as a supplement to other health education curricula
Grade Level:
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