
Learning to Read Phonics Blends Bundle


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Phonics Bundle: Short Vowel, Long Vowel Blends, Silent E, and Consonant Blends
Are you looking for a comprehensive phonics resource to support your students’ reading development? This extensive bundle is packed with 311 picture cards, labeled picture cursive cards, word cursive cards, and label cursive cards to help your students master short vowel sounds, long vowel blends, silent e, and consonant blends. The perfect addition to your literacy centers and language area!

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What’s Included:

* 311 Picture Cards
* 311 Labeled Picture Cursive Cards
* 311 Word Cursive Cards
* Label Cursive Cards
* Sorting Worksheet (blackline images for coloring, cutting, and sorting – 3 for each blend)
* Coloring, word tracing, and copying cursive strips

Words Featured:

* Short Vowels: ai, ay, ea, ee, ey, ie, oa, oe, ue
* Long Vowels: a, i, o, u
* Silent E: be, see, meet, knee
* Consonant Blends: bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr


* Develops phonemic awareness and phonics skills
* Enhances vocabulary building and reading comprehension
* Fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills
* Supports differentiated instruction with various worksheet activities
* Includes cursive writing practice for handwriting development

Perfect for:

* Early readers and kindergarten students
* Special education classrooms
* English language learners (ELLs)
* Teachers looking for engaging literacy centers and language activities

Words featured in the bundle:

ai – mail paint rain snail rainbow
ay – hay pay ray tray crayon
ea – beads bean leaf, seal steam
ee – bee knee teeth tree wheel
ey – hockey key money turkey monkey
ie – tie pie die cries fries
oa – boat coat goat soap toast
oe – doe hoe roe toe tomatoes
ue – tissue glue cue clue barbecue
ui – suit fruit juice cruise bruise
long a โ€“ cage, cake, cane, cave, tape, wave
long i โ€“ dice, fire, five, kite, nine, tire
long o โ€“ bone, cone, hose, robe, rope, rose
long u โ€“ cube, fuse, mule, mute, prune, tube
au โ€“ caught daughter haul launch sauce
aw โ€“ claw crawl pay saw straw
ew โ€“ blew dew drew grew jewel
oi โ€“ boil coin point poison soil
oo โ€“ book foot hood hook wood balloon boot broom moon spoon
ou โ€“ cloud couch house mouse snout
ow โ€“ arrow blow bow elbow pillow clown crown owl shower towel
oy โ€“ boy oyster royal toy cowboy
bl โ€“ blender blimp blocks
cl โ€“ clip clock cloud
fl โ€“ flag flower fly
gl โ€“ glasses globe glue
pl โ€“ plane plant plug
sl โ€“ slide sloth slug
br โ€“ broccoli brush
cr โ€“ crab crayons
dr โ€“ dress drill drum
fr โ€“ fries frog fruit
gr โ€“ grapes grass
pr โ€“ present pretzel printer
tr โ€“ tree triangle truck
sk โ€“ skate skirt skunk
sm โ€“ smash smell smoke
sn โ€“ snail snake snow
sp โ€“ spider spinner spoon
st โ€“ stairs star stump
sw โ€“ swan sweater swing
ch โ€“ chain chair cheese cherry chest chicken torch watch bench
sh โ€“ shark sheep shell shirt shoe shovel bush dish fish
th โ€“ thermos thirteen thread three throne thumb bath mouth teeth
ph โ€“ phase phone photo pheasant pharaoh graph elephant dolphin
wh โ€“ whale wheel whisk whistle whisker wheelbarrow
a โ€“ pack, tack, sack, snack, crack, rack, back, stack, camp, ramp, stamp, damp, lamp, band, land, strand, hand, stand, sand, slant, pants, plant
e โ€“ neck, wreck, check, peck, deck, bell, cell, smell, yell, well, sell, spell, shell, tell, bend, send, spend, lend, blend, rest, test, chest, nest, vest
i โ€“ brick, lick, sick, wick, kick, click, stick, pick, drill, spill, gill, grill, swing, wing, sling, sing, ring, king, sting, stink, link, sink, wink, rink, drink
o โ€“ block, lock, sock, rock, clock, dock, stop, drop, crop
u- tuck, stuck, duck, puck, buck, truck, dunk, sunk, trunk, skunk, bunk, jump, pump, stump, grump, bump, swung, stung, sung, hung, rung, lungs.
175 pages


Cursive, Print

1 review for Learning to Read Phonics Blends Bundle

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    Helen H. (verified owner)

    Fantastic time saver.

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