Montessori at Home

A new bulletin board displaying the word "homeschooling" for Montessori families.

New to Montessori Homeschooling?

When a family decides to take a route less traveled to homeschool their children the number of questions and choices you have to make is staggering and overwhelming. The list is […]

Sensory rugs for kids montessori nature round up

DIY Sensory Rugs for Kids

Sensory rugs are so great for children’s learning and very beneficial for their development. Children are usually very attracted to sensory rugs that stimulate their senses with different textures and

Doing-Montessori-At-Home-With-12-Months-Old-Montessori-Nature activities

Doing Montessori at Home with Your 12-month-old Child

As parents, educators, or caregivers, we are privileged to witness the incredible growth and development of twelve-month-old infants. This crucial period in a child’s life is characterized by rapid cognitive,

child giving high five to a parent

Behaviour Management Advice from a Montessori Mama

Sometimes terms like “positive discipline” and “peaceful parenting” can be interpreted in a way that confuses many parents, leaving them to believe that creating proper boundaries, rules, and discipline is

child cleaning with a dust pan

Developmental Montessori Inspired Work for Toddlers

We then found that individual activity is the one factor that stimulates and produces development”-Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind, p. 7) Usually, I introduce new jobs/ activities to my 2-year-old